‘Because, we all bleed the same’

On April 25th 2015 when Nepal shook our lives changed. Our ‘home’ Nepal was left crumbling, shaking and devastated. Our friends were left with poor housing some not housed at all. We set off to see how we could help and came back with the foundations of People for Nepal.
A combination of Australians and Nepalis who have come together in the hope of helping those left struggling in rural and remote villages throughout Nepal. Those who are overlooked, located where often no roads reach. With packs and tools on our backs we are able to set off into those areas and help as best we can.
We aim to continue to help throughout Nepal and to reach to locations that others cannot. Our mission is simple and sometimes it is a lot of hard work, sweat and tears but to brighten someone elses day it is all worth it each time.

Head to our About us to find out more.